Vision Payroll

February 18, 2011

Question of the Week: Why Did an Employee Receive an Error Message Trying to Logon To

Filed under: News — Tags: , , — Vision @ 12:19 pm

This week’s question comes from Jennifer, an office manager. One of the users in our company tried to login using the new multi-factor authentication and received an error message. Why did an employee receive an error message trying to logon to Answer: Error messages are generated for a variety of situations. Below is a list of error codes that explain the errors and the steps needed to resolve them:

Error Code/MessageDescriptionResolution
600Inactive UserInstruct employee to click on “Create an account now” to set up a login.
610Locked Out UserPayroll Administrator should reset lock out and employee can then change forgotten password by using the Forgot Password link.
620User Access DeniedPayroll Administrator should contact Vision Payroll.
700User locked out for failing to answer Challenge Questions correctlyPayroll Administrator should contact Vision Payroll.
800User locked out for failing to correctly enter passwordPayroll Administrator should reset lock out and employee can then change forgotten password by using the Forgot Password link.
900User Not FoundInstruct employee to click on “Create an account now” to set up a login.
910Inactive UserInstruct employee to click on “Create an account now” to set up a login.
920Locked Out UserPayroll Administrator should reset lock out and employee can then change forgotten password by using the Forgot Password link.
eFraud Network MatcheFraud Network MatchPayroll Administrator should contact Vision Payroll.

Contact Vision Payroll for Further Assistance with Logon Errors

Contact Vision Payroll if you cannot resolve your errors using the above table.

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