Vision Payroll

August 27, 2010

Question of the Week: Is There a Problem with My EFTPS Payment?

Filed under: News — Tags: , , , , , — Vision @ 12:36 pm
Question of the Week
Question of the Week
This week’s question comes from Ben, a business owner. We received an e-mail from EFTPS stating that my federal tax payment had been rejected. Is there a problem with my EFTPS payment? Answer: On August 20, 2010, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued a Problem Alert regarding this EFTPS scam.

Text of IRS Problem Alert

There is a fraud risk you need to be aware of. It is related to the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS).

The IRS recently became aware of a fraudulent scheme targeting EFTPS users, the scheme uses an e-mail that claims your tax payment was rejected and directs you to a website for additional information. The website contains malware that will attempt to infect your computer.

If you receive a message claiming to be from the IRS or EFTPS, please:

  1. Do not reply to the sender, access links on the site or submit any information to them.
  2. Forward the message immediately to us at
  3. How to report and identify phishing, e-mail scams and bogus IRS websites.
  4. If you receive a suspicious e-mail or discover a website posing as the IRS, please forward the e-mail or URL information to the IRS at
  5. EFTPS is a tax payment system provided free by the US Department of Treasury. Pay federal taxes electronically via the Internet or phone 24/7. Visit EFTPS to enroll.

IRS and EFTPS Do NOT Send Unsolicited E-mails or Request Personal Information

Neither the IRS nor EFTPS sends unsolicited e-mails nor do they request personal or financial information in e-mails.

Stay Vigilant Against Attacks Aimed at Stealing Your Personal Information

Although no system is foolproof in preventing identity theft, Vision Payroll recommends vigilance in dealing with personal information, combined with a service such as LifeLock® to help detect certain types of identity theft.

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